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Our nonprofit, Sowing Opportunities, is now an official nonprofit charitable corporation in Massachusetts. While we are awaiting filing at the federal level as a nonprofit to allow tax-exempt status for donors, we have the use of a nonprofit organization for accepting funds:


Temple Tiferet Shalom of the North Shore, 489 Lowell St., Peabody, MA 01960, USA 
(Memo: Rabbi's Discretionary Fund/Sowing Opportunities)

Donations Online

You can donate online at any time:
Current need is for $10,000 for the CorGuate team to return to Chajmaic to put a deposit on the land:


  • Rental: $4,000

  • Travel for the team: $4,800

  • Incidentals: $1,200

Handmade gifts by Ginny Remedi Designs


Small lapel chili pepper pin available for a $25 donation


Large lapel chili pepper pin available for a $50 donation


Chili pepper pot and seeds available for a $100 donation

To support the chili pepper project, the 5th graders in the religious school at Temple Israel Boston, made chili pepper pots. Here are the instructor's pots, which are for sale for donation to the chili pepper project, by "silent auction." Bids start at $10. You can purchase by emailing


Para apoyar el proyecto de chile, los estudiantes de 5º grado en la escuela religiosa en el templo de Israel de Boston, hacen macetas de chile. Aquí están las macetas del instructor, que están a la venta para una donación al proyecto de chile, por "subasta silenciosa". Ofertas comienzan en USD $10. Puede adquirir enviando un correo electrónico a


It is anticipated that long-term, once the farm is underway, the cost of salaries for farm workers alone will be:

9 workers per acre x 8.5 acres = 75 farm workers

Each worker earns $10/day

Each worker works 20 days/month = $200 pay/month


Needed to pay 75 farm workers: $15,000/month

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